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two-dimensional electrophoresis中文是什么意思

用"two-dimensional electrophoresis"造句"two-dimensional electrophoresis"怎么读"two-dimensional electrophoresis" in a sentence


  • 双向电泳


  • Developments in two - dimensional electrophoresis on microfluidic chips
  • Two - dimensional electrophoresis of self and non - self pollinated pollen tube proteins of shatinyu
  • Establishment and optimization of two - dimensional electrophoresis for myocardial proteomes of mice
  • Analysis of two - dimensional electrophoresis maps of congenital total cataractous and normal lens proteins
  • The two - dimensional electrophoresis of protein from pollen wall between citrus grandis var . shatinyu hort . and citrus grandis
  • Two - dimensional electrophoresis , mass spectrometer and bioinformatics are three main techniques of proteomics
  • A new method of two - dimensional electrophoresis is introduced , and applied to analyze protein subunits
  • Proteomics on aeromonas hydrophila , one of the important pathogens in aquaculture and human , has been characterized in this study the techniques used included two - dimensional electrophoresis ( 2 - de ) and mass spectrometer ( ms )
    论文采用蛋白质组学方法对水产养殖动物的重要致病菌? ?嗜水气单胞菌的分子解剖图谱、免疫原性蛋白、与传代和耐药有关的功能蛋白质组学进行较系统的研究。
  • To provide evidence for illustrating the molecular mechanism of pancreas development , proteins were extracted from rat pancreas tissue at various stages , separated by high resolution two - dimensional electrophoresis ( 2 - de ) , and the good 2de pattern including resolution and reproducibility was obtained
    本研究利用双向凝胶电泳技术分离sd大鼠成年胰腺组织和胚胎18 . 5天胰腺组织总蛋白,银染和考染显色,获得了分辨率和重复性均较好的双向电泳图谱。
用"two-dimensional electrophoresis"造句  
two-dimensional electrophoresis的中文翻译,two-dimensional electrophoresis是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译two-dimensional electrophoresis,two-dimensional electrophoresis的中文意思,two-dimensional electrophoresis的中文two-dimensional electrophoresis in Chinesetwo-dimensional electrophoresis的中文two-dimensional electrophoresis怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。